Personal Counseling Services logo
Providing mental health services to everyone desiring wellness of body, mind, spirit, and community.

There is no health without mental health

In a world of confusion, uncertainty, and violence, we must find stability. In a society of convenience, we desire everything now. However, your physical and mental health may take time, and you need someone to walk alongside you. Regardless of your circumstances, you are the most important person.

The highly trained clinical staff at PCS represents the following mental health disciplines: marriage & family therapy, music therapy, intensive outpatient programming for substance abuse, addiction counseling, social work, mental health counselors, pastoral counseling, psychology, and psychiatry. Our interdisciplinary staff is committed to enhancing the wellness of body, mind, and spirit in individuals, couples, families, groups, and the community at large.

Counseling Services

It’s essential to trust your therapist and be involved in evidence-based services like PCS provides. At PCS, we are focused entirely on YOU and want you to have the best care possible. Each person’s therapy is unique to them as an individual. PCS is family-oriented and includes family members in your process where appropriate.

Music Therapy

Music Therapy is a research-driven health profession in which music and music interventions help clients reach their goals. Our board-certified music therapists provide evidence-based, individualized services for each client.

Substance Use

We provide an adult outpatient substance abuse program that offers holistic, client-centered, and evidence-based service to those who are seeking recovery from harmful substances.

Samaritan Awards Gala

Thursday, August 21, 2025

Our Latest News and Updates

Holiday Stress

Dealing with Holiday Stress

PCS was asked to present to a group of seniors how to deal with Holiday stressors, depression, loneliness, and other negative feelings. Jacob Mauck, assistant clinical director at PCS, discussed techniques such as being around friends, getting involved with civic groups, volunteering, accepting your feelings without discounting them, and privately talking

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2024 ONCE Awards

2024 ONCE Awards

Centra Credit Union Non-Profit Program of the Year Personal Counseling Services, Inc. has been voted the Top Nonprofit Program of 2024. This award, sponsored by Centra Credit Union, has been given to a nonprofit member with an innovative and successful program, initiative, or activity since 2018. The One Southern Indiana

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PCS Client Showcase

PCS Client Showcase

Our annual PCS Client Showcase will be held on Saturday, December 14, 2024, at 2:00 PM at Northside Christian Church. The church is located at 4407 Charlestown Road in New Albany. Come and see our clients share their incredible talent through song. A dessert reception will follow to celebrate their

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