PCS was asked to present to a group of seniors how to deal with Holiday stressors, depression, loneliness, and other negative feelings.
Jacob Mauck, assistant clinical director at PCS, discussed techniques such as being around friends, getting involved with civic groups, volunteering, accepting your feelings without discounting them, and privately talking with a close friend to share true feelings. And, of course, he discussed never discounting the importance of seeking mental health services from a professional.
Recognize signs of depression:
- Not sleeping well
- Crying often
- Feeling irritable or restless
- Decreased energy
- Sadness that will not go away
- Loss of interest
Doug Drake, president and CEO at PCS, presented from a caregiver’s perspective, covering the following tips:
- Be a good listener
- Get them involved with others or groups
- Provide rides to doctor’s appointments
- Help them to find a Faith community, if desired
- Do Bible Studys for those in Faith backgrounds
- Take them to plays, concerts, etc.
- Offer to help with cooking, cleaning, etc.
- Encourage to seek a mental health provider

Really great questions arose, including:
- When a spouse dies, why do friends stay away?
PCS responses: Many reasons, but some suggestions are: Tell your friends that you are still comfortable and it does not bother you to see them as a couple. Ask them if they are uncomfortable with you being a widow or widower? Perhaps, you need to find some new friends.
- What if too many people contact you too often?
PCS responses: Just be honest with them that you need some private time to grieve or think.
- What can you do when most of your friends have passed away?
PCS responses: Volunteer, join a civic group/Bible Study group, join a group that plays Euchre or some other activity you enjoy.
- What if you do not have a church connection and you want one?
PCS responses: If you are religious and you are not connected to a Faith community, you can do some research or ask friends to make suggestions. This is a good way to volunteer, get involved, and meet new friends.