What is Music Therapy?
Music therapy is the “clinical and evidence-based use of music intervention to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship”-American Music Therapy Association.
Music therapy is a research-driven health profession in which music and music interventions help clients reach their goals. Our board-certified music therapists provide evidence-based, individualized services for each client.

Who do we serve?
Music therapy can benefit people of all ages and abilities. Our staff is trained to work with a variety of diagnoses and chronic illnesses, serving clients from ages 2 to 102. We provide both individual and group services in our clinic, offsite office locations, contracted facilities, and client homes.

How can we help?
Goals and objectives are designed following a thorough assessment and are individualized based on the client’s needs. Potential goals include social, emotional, academic, communication, and motor skills. Interventions and activities are personalized for each individual and may include songwriting, active music-making, adapted instrument lessons, improvisation, relaxation techniques, and verbal counsel.
We currently serve the following: individuals on the Indiana Home and Community Based Services Waiver, private pay individuals, and group contracts in rehab, assisted living, medical, and school facilities.
PCS provides clinical training for future music therapists as a practicum placement and a University-Affiliated internship site. If you want more information about our internship program, please use the form below.